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[Crack HackBlowFish

Description: blowfish 加密解密程序-blowfish encryption and decryption procedures
Platform: | Size: 15446 | Author: 陆丁 | Hits:

[Crack HackBlowFish

Description: blowfish 加密解密程序-blowfish encryption and decryption procedures
Platform: | Size: 189440 | Author: 陆丁 | Hits:

[Crack Hacktruecrypt-3.1a-source-code

Description: 一个提供档案及Partition作加解密的程式支援以下的加密演算法AESBlowfishCAST5SerpentTriple DESTwofishAES-BlowfishAES-TwofishAES-Twofish-SerpentSerpent-AESSerpent-Twofish-AESTwofish-Serpent-a partition for files and for the encryption and decryption of the following programs support encryption algorithms AESBlowfishCAST5SerpentTriple DESTwofishAES- BlowfishAES- TwofishAES- Twofish- SerpentSerpent- AESSerpent- Twofish- AESTwofish- Serpent
Platform: | Size: 566272 | Author: 林世明 | Hits:

[Crack Hack肖俊.java

Description: ava加密扩展即Java Cryptography Extension,简称JCE。它是Sun的加密服务软件,包含了加密和密匙生成功能。JCE是JCA(Java Cryptography Architecture)的一种扩展。 JCE没有规定具体的加密算法,但提供了一个框架,加密算法的具体实现可以作为服务提供者加入。除了JCE框架之外,JCE软件包还包含了SunJCE服务提供者,其中包括许多有用的加密算法,比如DES(Data Encryption Standard)和Blowfish。 为简单计,在本文中我们将用DES算法加密和解密字节码。下面是用JCE加密和解密数据必须遵循的基本步骤: 步骤1:生成一个安全密匙。在加密或解密任何数据之前需要有一个密匙。密匙是随同被加密的应用一起发布的一小段数据,Listing 3显示了如何生成一个密匙。 【Listing 3:生成一个密匙】 -expansion that Java Cryptography Extension, referred to JCE. It is Sun's encryption software, including encryption and key generation functions. JCE is JCA (Java Cryptography Architecture), an extension. JCE no specific encryption algorithms, but provides a framework, the specific encryption algorithm can achieve as a service provider to join. Apart from the JCE framework, JCE package also includes SunJCE service providers, including many useful encryption algorithms such as DES (Data Encryption Standard) and the Blowfish. For simple terms, in this paper we will use DES encryption and decryption algorithms byte code. Below is JCE encryption and decryption of data must adhere to the basic steps : Step 1 : Generating a security keys. In any encryption or decryption of data is needed befo
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 肖俊 | Hits:

[OS programkenel_crypto

Description: 内核加解密算法 加解密函数库及其使用说明,详见附件。 find_cipher_by_name中参数ciphername可取的值为下面的组合,对应不同的模式: (des,des_ede3,aes,blowfish,cast5,dfc,idea,mars,rc5,rc6,serpent,twofish)-ecb (des,des_ede3,aes,blowfish,cast5,dfc,idea,mars,rc5,rc6,serpent,twofish)-cbc (des,des_ede3,aes,blowfish,cast5,dfc,idea,mars,rc6,serpent,twofish)-cfb struct cipher_implementation* ci中对应的可调用的method:encrypt_iv decrypt_iv encrypt decrypt 比如以des-cbc为find_cipher_by_name的参数得到的ci调用encrypt_iv,decrypt_iv. find_digest_by_name中参数digestname可取的值: sha1 md5 struct digest_implementation* di中对应的可调用的method:open update digest close hmac 计算digest时调用di->digest,计算hmac时调用di->hmac. 注意:加载我们需要的cipher-*.o和digest-*.o之前需先加载cryptoapi.o。 -core encryption and decryption algorithm encryption and decryption functions and their use, as detailed in the annex. Find_cipher_by_name cipher desirable parameter values to the following portfolio, dealing with different modes : (des, des_ede3, Aes, blowfish, cast5, DFC, the idea, mars, RC5, production, serpent, twofish)- ecb ( des, des_ede3, Aes, blowfish, cast5, DFC, the idea, mars, RC5, production, serpent, twofish)- cbc (des, des_ede3, Aes, blowfish, cast5, DFC, the idea, mars, production, the serpent , twofish)- Sample struct cipher_implementation ci* corresponding the available method : encrypt_iv decrypt_iv encrypt decrypt such as a des-cbc find_cipher_by_name parameters for the ci call encrypt_iv, decrypt_iv. find_digest_by_name digestname desirable parameter values : sha1 md
Platform: | Size: 139264 | Author: xf | Hits:

[Crack Hackwofan_Blowfish

Description: 很精典加密算法程序,喜欢加密解密的同志都知道呀。我觉得好像够数了,就等站长开通权限。再次申明:如果不能开通权限,就一定要删除有关注册机的源码呀。因为:破解!=盗版呀。-very classic encryption algorithm procedures, like encryption and decryption of the comrades know ah. I feel like Goushu, on the other station opened competence. Reiterate : If not opened authority, it must remove the source of Fillmore ah. Because : crack! Ah = piracy.
Platform: | Size: 209920 | Author: wofan | Hits:

[Crack HackEncryptDLL

Description: 一个自己写的加密/解密DLL文件,包含(Base64, BlowFish, AES, RSA,DES3,GOST)等算法以及用delphi 和 C++Builder 调用的例子源码和调用说明文件。-himself wrote an encryption/decryption DLL files, including (Base64, BlowFish. AES, RSA, DES3. GOST) algorithm and using delphi called Builder and C source code examples and the use of documentation .
Platform: | Size: 919552 | Author: Arnold | Hits:

[Crack Hackencryptdll3.7final

Description: 共享软件加密算法库,一款针对个人、企业开发共享软件的加密工具,支持Windows平台下各类开发工具:VC、VB、Delphi、PB、VFP等,算法库集成的算法有:BlowFish、MD5、Secret16、AES、SHA、CRC32、RSA、DES、字符串加/解密、文件加/解密等多种功能强大的算法。其提供了DLL文件-Reg.dll,可以通过复用它来实现数据加密与解密。 -sharing software encryption algorithm library, one individual, enterprise development sharing software encryption tools, support Windows platforms in various types of development tools : Visual C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, PowerBuilder, Visual FoxPro. Integration Algorithm for the algorithm are : BlowFish, MD5, Secret16, AES, SHA, CRC32-, RSA, DES, string encryption/decryption, document encryption/decryption and other powerful algorithms. Provide a DLL files-Reg.dll, through reuse it to achieve data encryption and decryption.
Platform: | Size: 679936 | Author: 沐柏 | Hits:

[Crack HackBlowFish_E189816672005

Description: VC环境下BlowFish算法加密解密原程序.This is a simple Blowfish encryption/decryption class implemented in C++ (MFC).-VC environment BlowFish encryption and decryption algorithm for the original procedure. This is a simple Blowfish encryption/decryption class implemented in C++ (MFC).
Platform: | Size: 4431872 | Author: 陈志 | Hits:

[Crack Hackblowfish

Description: 加密解密算法,一种hash函数,128位,linux下的源代码,用C语言编写-Encryption and decryption algorithm, a hash function, 128, linux under the source code, using C language
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: shilin | Hits:

[Crack HackBlowfish

Description: 一个由VC实现的加密解密代码,原作者及说明均集成在里面-A VC realize the encryption and decryption code, original author, and description are integrated inside
Platform: | Size: 59392 | Author: 远哥 | Hits:

[Crack HackBlowFish

Description: BlowFish加密和解密算法 BlowFish加密和解密算法-BlowFish encryption and decryption algorithm for encryption and decryption algorithm BlowFish
Platform: | Size: 839680 | Author: icefire | Hits:

[Crack Hackblowfish

Description: blowfish 算法可以直接用的。调用里面方法。加密解密。-blowfish algorithm can be directly used. Calls inside the method. Encryption and decryption.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: linqj | Hits:

[Crack HackSingleKey

Description: 加密算法有 DES,DESede,Blowfish等,本例主要解释如何利用DES私钥加密算法加解密-Encryption algorithm DES, DESede, Blowfish and so on, in this case which explain how to use the private key encryption algorithm DES encryption and decryption
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: fengli | Hits:

[Crack HackVCcrypt

Description: 此压缩包内有cast、blowfish、simple、des、cryptlib、rsa、mqueue、xtrcrypt、gf256、base32,base64、modexppc、network等一些的常见加密、解密算法,非常全的算法集合,源码爱好者大致查了一下,超过130个,全部可以编译通过,而且还包含有E文的开发文档,研究学习算法的可不要错过。 -The compressed packet, there are cast, blowfish, simple, des, cryptlib, rsa, mqueue, xtrcrypt, gf256, base32, base64, modexppc, network and other common encryption, decryption algorithm, a very wide set of algorithms, source enthusiasts checked more or less, more than 130, all can be compiled through, but also includes the development of E text documents, study of the learning algorithm can not miss.
Platform: | Size: 8417280 | Author: 冯俊勇 | Hits:

[Crack Hackblowfish

Description: blowfish加密解密程序源码,可在vc6.0下编译运行,可对字符串和文件加密解密-blowfish encryption and decryption program source code can be compiled in vc6.0 run, can string and file encryption and decryption
Platform: | Size: 60416 | Author: king | Hits:

[Crack Hackblowfish

Description: blowfish加密与解密的代码,将blowfish的加解密过程封装成一个类,实现了分块加密,代码条理清晰-C++ implemented blowfish encryption and decryption source code is simple and compact
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: silvins | Hits:

[Crack Hackblowfish

Description: blowfilsh加解密c代码封装类库,直接调用BlowfishEncryption和BlowfishDecryption函数实现加解密过程。-blowfilsh encryption and decryption of c code encapsulation class library the direct to call BlowfishEncryption and BlowfishDecryption function of encryption and decryption process.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 徐军 | Hits:


Description: 算法、blowfish,加密与解密-Algorithm, blowfish, encryption and decryption ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 没落凄凉 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLBlowfish

Description: Delphi基于Blowfish算法的加密 解密实例,编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。-Delphi Blowfish encryption and decryption algorithm based on examples, learning programming source code, a good reference.
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: 维斯摩尔 | Hits:
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